Posts in Faith
People Pleasing 101

Are you a people pleaser? Do you get your value from how others think of or accept you? As a Christian, your affirmation, value, and confidence should come from God alone. In a society where our acceptance so often comes from social media likes or shares, it is easy to get sucked into the art of trying to please everyone!

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Faithjoie miller
Intentional Advent

With the holidays approaching, it’s easy to get caught up hurriedly rushing from one activity or event to the next, only to realize at the end of the year that time has passed so quickly that you didn’t get a chance to slow down long enough to really enjoy it. Our time is one of our greatest resources and one of the greatest gifts we can give to those we love, which is why it’s so important that we are intentional with how we’re spending it.

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Faith, Family, Guest BlogsGuest User
Crazy Blessed

Have you ever stopped to think how crazy blessed you are?

I’m serious, when you take an account of your life and decide to count your blessings rather than your losses— it’s overwhelming how good God is!

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Faithjoie miller
Let's Talk About Parenting

Let’s talk about parenting for a minute. I believe there is something deep inside every mom that doesn’t want to mess this parenting thing up. I mean, the one thing I want to get right in life is all figured out mainly through just doing it!

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Faith, Familyjoie miller
The Cross

Whatever you are up against or whatever is holding you back or trying to keep you down, victory has already been made through Jesus! When we accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for us by asking Him to be Savior and Lord, a reset button has been set! The Bible says that it is like we've been born new all over again (John 3:1-21)!

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Faithjoie miller
Grab On and Don't Let Go

When Christ initially takes hold of us, we are forgiven and reconciled to Christ by simple faith in the work of the cross. However, in order to possess all that Christ intends for us to walk in, there is a taking hold of that happens on our part--an effort that is required of us.

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Faithjoie miller

Don't sell out God's best for what is comfortable or convenient! You are destined for GREAT, but it will require something from you. Go for great in this season; that is what you're destined for!

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FaithGuest User

You wouldn't think someone would need to be reminded to breathe! The truth is, in the hustle and chaos of the world we live in, we need to make time for the One who breathes life into us! The more busy you become, the more vital it is for you to spend time in the Lord's presence.

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Faithjoie miller
Do I Measure Up?

God has not asked us to measure ourselves by the standards of this world or by the standards of others. There is a unique purpose, plan, and destiny that God created you exclusively to fulfill!

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Faithjoie miller
What Are You Expecting?

Many of us aren't expecting the things we believe God for to actually arrive in our lives. We may hope they arrive, but we may not fully embrace the fact that the covenant promises we have are fully paid for and guaranteed through Jesus. We dismiss expectation.

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Faithjoie miller
Grace for Three

In 1 Peter 5:12, Peter says, “My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that what you are experiencing is truly part of God’s grace for you. Stand firm in that grace.” On hard days or in those moments of “I don’t know if I can do this,” I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and whisper to myself “grace.”

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