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Man, we have had a great summer! Lots of gatherings with a ton of food!

Even in the middle of a kitchen renovation this summer, I found a way to host dinner parties (some of which I still used my plates and opted to wash them with a hose and a bin outside rather than use paper because…well I really like my plates)!

The motto in our house is “work hard, play hard”, so after a summer of lots of play time, we head into a time of spiritual focus! My husband and I usually do a full juice fast, and the small kids fast sugar or will eat only fruits and veggies. This is something they choose to do; they see us fasting and want to be a part of it! Teach your kids spiritual disciplines early on; you're setting a foundation they will draw from for years!

There are so many benefits to fasting! Fasting puts you in a position for God's best in the season to come! As you push back your plate and spend time in prayer and the Word, God pours out vision and purpose for your life! His purpose for you is SIGNIFICANT, and it is GREAT! Fasting is sowing seed for the next season through praying and focusing on the Lord. There is nothing magical about fasting in and of itself; however, it changes your focus and allows you to separate yourself from feeding the flesh and hear God in a more clear way. When you fast, the ability your flesh has to drive or lead you weakens, and your spirit becomes stronger.

Many of us want to grow spiritually, overcome temptation, break old cycles, and see breakthrough in our health, family, and finances. But seeing breakthrough will take us going beyond what is comfortable and average. Often, we want things to change and intend for things to change but don’t understand why change doesn’t happen— why we are still getting the same harvest. Having the best intentions will not produce change; intentions won't get you to great. Intentions transformed into actions cultivates greatness! Taking time to fast and pray is turning your intentions into action!

There will always be the temptation to settle. The comfort of life can overtake conviction and lead to settling for less than God's best for you!  All throughout your lifee, you will have the opportunity to settle for good. Good will be just that--good. But there is a GREAT waiting for you. The question is how much do you want it?

Genesis 25:29-34 " He (Esau) said to Jacob, 'Quick give me some of that stew! I'm famished! Jacob replied, 'First sell me your birthright.' 'Look, I'm about to die,' Esau said.'What good is the birthright to me?' But Jacob said, ' swear to me first.' So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob."

Esau sold God's best for a bowl of soup: " I will die soon, anyway"--this sounds like my kids who think they will starve if they don't have three full meals sprinkled with snacks in between.

Esau sold his birthright,the blessing of God, for a bowl of soup. His flesh ruled the path his life would take. For Esau, that was a very costly bowl of stew. On the other hand, Jacob not only tricked his brother, but then he had a wrestling match with God (Gen 32:22). He was desperate for God's best!

Don't sell out God's best for what is comfortable or convenient! You are destined for GREAT, but it will require something from you. Go for great in this season; that is what you're destined for! 

God has destined the remainder of 2021 to be great for you; push back the plate and take some time to pray and fast. Don't settle for easy or mediocre, but finish the year strong!

Accept nothing less than God's best for you! Choose a heart full of expectation and vision for your life over a full belly and see what God has in store! 

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