Grab On and Don't Let Go

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me”

— Philippians 3:12

 If you know Christ, you can remember the moment when He reached out and took hold of you. That moment when you realized that you were a sinner that needed a savior. There is also a "taking hold of" that occurs in our lives, an apprehending or grabbing onto of the things of God that propels us into the life God has for us to live!

When Christ initially takes hold of us, we are forgiven and reconciled to Christ by simple faith in the work of the cross. However, in order to possess all that Christ intends for us to walk in, there is a taking hold of that happens on our part--an effort that is required of us. Not that our own efforts can save us, hence Christ is the one who died on the cross to reach out and apprehend our hearts,  but a tenacity to grip tightly to the promises of God available to us in Jesus!

Our ability to take hold of God with the same level of devotion that Christ took hold of us equates to an absolute "all in" devotion to Christ and fulfilling His purpose on earth! When things are comfortable and going well, take hold of Jesus. When things are hard, and it would seem easier to go your own way, take hold of Jesus! Grab tight to the word of God and the covenant that lies in it, and don't let go of it!

Grab on tightly and refuse to let go of the freedom Jesus has provided for you to live in! Press on to the goal, as Paul states in Phil 3:14 which is " to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us". 

Faithjoie miller