Crazy Blessed

Have you ever stopped to think how crazy blessed you are?

I’m serious, when you take an account of your life and decide to count your blessings rather than your losses— it’s overwhelming how good God is!

Did you know that a lifestyle of gratitude actually flings wide the gates of blessing before you? Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.” I think about thanksgiving and gratitude being the very access point to the presence of God!

In fact, gratitude and praise is the quickest way to enter God’s presence! God actual inhabits in the praises of His people! If thanksgiving is such a good thing, then why do we get caught up in complaining? Many times, we pray and pray for blessings, and when we receive them, we start to complain about the very thing we were believing God for.

Can you imagine giving your child a gift that they were begging you for, and instead of thanking you, all they did was complain about the toy? Would you want to bless them again— no way! The thing about life is it can get busy—even the blessings that we receive can make us busier. Make sure you don’t let your attitude switch from thanking God for blessings to acting and talking like those very things are burdens!

In Exodus, God’s people were begging God to deliver them out of slavery. When God finally sent Moses, their gratitude for freedom quickly changed from thanksgiving to complaining. The Israelites focus shifted from the blessing of freedom to complaining about the inconveniences. They allowed their focus to rob them of what God was trying to do in their midst.

Nothing will stop God from moving in your life like complaining. He actually despises it. When you complain, you are acting against faith. Complaining repels God because it is anchored in doubt and unbelief. Thanksgiving is anchored in faith! Just as complaining repels God, gratitude is like a magnet for blessing. Thanksgiving is having so much faith that God will do what He said, that you can send your gratitude ahead! In this season of busyness, let’s focus our attention on our blessings!

Count your blessings, not your losses! Open up your mouth and give thanks verbally for who He is and all that He has done and is doing! As you do, you will open up the gates of heaven and experience blessings like never before!

Remember Today— you are crazy blessed!

Faithjoie miller