Do I Measure Up?

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A wise man once said, “ We often compare what we know about ourselves with what we don’t know about others.”  This statement sums up the whole idea of comparison. 

Most of the time, when you measure yourself against others you come up falling miserably short in your own eyes! 

God has not asked us to measure ourselves by the standards of this world or by the standards of others. There is a unique purpose, plan, and destiny that God created you exclusively to fulfill! 

Comparing yourself to another person’s plan only leaves us depressed and discouraged. Soon enough, you will have a distorted view of who God created you to be, and you will be confused about the plan that he handcrafted uniquely for you to fulfill! God created each person different for a reason! 

Comparison undermines God's specific purpose for your life! Let others inspire you but not define you. Inspiration from those you admire can sharpen you; however, using that person as a measuring stick is dangerous. God doesn't create two people the same! Each person has a specific, hand-crafted purpose to fulfill in his/her generation! 

"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." Galatians 6:4-5

God grows us to walk in our full potential. He never condemns us; He conforms us to walk in our destiny! Comparison condemns, it says you will never measure up! Ultimately, it will stop you from stepping out into the destiny God has for you!

If you are so busy measuring yourself against someone else's plan, you will miss out on your specific purpose! Instead of cursing that which God created by wishing you were more like someone else, embrace how he created you!

Embrace your strengths, and let him grow you in your areas of weakness. When you stand before Jesus one day, He is not going to measure your life by the plans and purposes He had in store for someone else. He will look to see how you embraced and fulfilled the destiny He set before you! 

Focus on what you are good at! Thank God on a daily basis for the blessings in your life!

God doesn't make mistakes; He knew what he was doing when He created you!

Decide today to walk in the destiny God has set before YOU! 


Faithjoie miller