What's Stopping You from Starting?

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We all have big dreams inside of us—the things that we think about as we’re going to bed at night.

That thing that is on our mind as soon as we wake up. Maybe, you’ve even gone as far as writing them down on paper or put pictures of them inside of a dream book. That’s great, but I have one question for you, “what’s stopping you from starting?”

I often say you make big progress through small steps. Most likely the dream you have in your heart is so big that it can also seem so far away. The process to achieving it may seem to even paralyze you from starting. Sure, it’s a desire of your heart, but it’s never made it past that point of desire into action. The best way to start tackling big dreams is a little at a time!

In Exodus 23, the Lord was instructing His people that, if they obeyed His commands, they would enter the land He promised with great victory! He promised that they would get where they needed to be, but in the right time! Exodus 23:30: "I will give you victory a little at a time".

Little by little, you make progress forward. Maybe you have a dream to write a book—start writing a little every day (even 20 minutes of writing a day is progress). Maybe, you have a dream of traveling the world; focus on your first destination and research the cost. Maybe, you want to preach the gospel— become a small group leader. Whatever your desire is, start breaking it down into small increments. Small steps forward are better than staying still!

“Don’t despise the days of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices when the work begins.” Zechariah 4:10

Don’t wait to have a full game plan or a perfect skill set. What is important is that you start. Starting is a step of faith and obedience—and that is a huge step to God. Taking action is telling God you are serious about the plan He has for you!

It's the little steps of obedience every day that grow and mature our faith and our skill and produce an endurance that proves us ready. You may not be where you want to be yet, but you will get there little by little—always advancing forward in Jesus' name!!

Look at your dream and ask yourself the question: “What is one step I can make to take action toward my dream or goal” Then take action! You’ve got this!


Faithjoie miller