Say NO to Self Doubt

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Get the doubt out!

Doubt is the number one thing that will keep us from moving forward into what God has for us. Not only doubt when it comes to faith and receiving from God—but self-doubt.

Maybe today you are reading this, and you have no problem with believing God for big things and not doubting Him, but you can’t get past doubting yourself. Here’s the thing, most likely, you don’t realize how amazing you really are (I know, that sounds funny or vain or whatever), but for real, sometimes, it’s hard to celebrate and appreciate yourself because you know EVERYTHING about yourself. You know your thoughts, your failures, your weaknesses—God also knows everything about you. The Bible says He knows when you come and when you go, when you rise and lay down- He even knows your thoughts before you think them (Psalm 139)! Yet, He loves you anyway! Not only does He love you, but He believes in you enough to give you a plan and a purpose.

You may not recognize your greatness, but He does— and so does the enemy! The enemy knows that God’s purpose for you is great, so he will do everything in his power to stop you. One of his greatest tactics is to get you to be so insecure that you won’t do anything for God. The enemy can’t stop God’s plan for you—only you can. To get to the point, the enemy wants you to feel defeated before you even begin. He wants you to quit before you even start. He tries to call out all of your failures and inadequacies. The enemy’s voice is one of condemnation and discouragement; God’s voice calls out potential!

In Mark 11, when Jesus is teaching the disciples about faith, the scripture reads “have faith in God.” When translated from the original text it reads, “have the God kind of faith”. The “God Kind of Faith” sees from the view of full potential. When God sees your life, that’s the lens that He views from—the fullness of potential, the greatest version of you. This is why He believes in you enough to have plans and purposes set aside for you to walk in!

Think about Gideon in Judges 4. When the angel approached Gideon, he addressed him as “man of valor”. Gideon’s response was much like ours—”um, you must have the wrong person.” He actually corrected the angel by clarifying that, not only was he not a man of valor, but that he was actually the least of his tribe. God knew what was inside of Gideon that needed called out. Through God, Gideon became a man of courage and valor that led Israel into victory; Gideon just had to believe in himself as much as God did!

So, what is God calling out in you today? Stop doubting yourself and be reminded of who you are in Christ. You are redeemed, anointed, and fully equipped because of Jesus! Don’t give way to the enemy’s lies magnifying your weaknesses. Identify with who God says you are. Start taking negative thoughts captive and declare God’s Word that says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!”

Remember, God believes in you, so you should too!


Faithjoie miller