Planning to Spend not Just Planning to Save

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Do you ever struggle with not meeting your financial goals month-after-month? Do you set goals that seem realistic, yet when something unexpected pops up it crushes your momentum? Let’s change the narrative and get out ahead of our goals this year!

Of course, things always come up unexpectedly, but everything shouldn’t be a surprise if you have a solid plan. We shouldn’t really be shocked when our car needs new tires, especially when we can’t even remember the last time we purchased the tires that are currently on the car.

A few months ago my toddler started climbing out of his crib. Obviously, I knew that he was getting too big for his crib; however, I had not planned to buy him a big boy bed. Maybe I liked the thought of him being a baby and sleeping in the crib forever.  Thinking about the cost everything we would need, mattress, headboard, box spring, bedding had my head spinning. This should have come as no surprise to me but, without proper evaluation of my children’s needs, I was left stressing about an expense I should have planned.

This can be true for any area of our life. We need to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with including our children, home, and vehicles. Knowing when a major expense is coming up soon is part of being a good steward. My husband and I have known since the end of last summer that our air conditioner was not working properly. We know we do not want to go through another hot summer without a new one, so we decided to save this winter and replace it before the weather gets warm. Do I want to set aside money for a boring air conditioner? NO! That’s not fun like a vacation or a new bag, but not sweating through the summer is important to us so we are willing to think ahead now to make our home comfortable in the summer.

I want to challenge you to sit down with your calendar. Review normal expenses that happen throughout the year. What month are you planning a vacation? When do you have birthday parties or do you celebrate certain holidays with more extravagant spending? How old is your house or car? Do either need any major repairs this year? Plan for these occasions so you can enjoy them and not stress about the cost. Then sit down for 5 minutes at the beginning of every month to review anything unexpected on your calendar that might incur expense so you can realistically plan and meet those financial goals! When the money is already set aside for a trip, or a holiday, or a piece of furniture you can enjoy spending on those items without any stress or anxiety. Extra planning will eliminate your frustration, allow you to enjoy spending your money and bring excitement about achieving your goals.

Guest Blogger- Amy Benedetti

Amy Benedetti is a wife, mom of 3 and serial entrepreneur. She loves spending time with her family, friends and serving the local church. As a certified financial coach, Amy enjoys helping couples learn how to manage their money and reduce the stress that financial problems create in a marriage.

Instagram: @Benedettifinancialcoaching
