This Little Light of Mine

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60:1-3

Who remembers the old Sunday school song, This Little Light Of Mine?

“I’m gonna let it shine, shine, shine”!

That song is for you today, friend!

Let me take a moment to remind you that God has called anointed, appointed, and equipped you for such a time as this! All of the world is waiting for you to step into your place. Whether that means sharing your faith, starting a new career, or stepping into full time ministry— it’s time for you to take your place!

God is raising you up to fulfill your purpose in this generation! In every generation, God has a group of people that He uses to shine bright in the darkness! Though the darkness continues to cover the earth (Isaiah 60), God shines His light in and through you to be an influencer in the world! Though darkness looms, your light shines bright and is a demonstration before men and kings. 

Queen Esther rose to fulfill her purpose in Esther 4. When the king and his kingdom were planning to destroy an entire generation of God's people, Esther chose to rise up in fulfill her destiny. Esther had to make a decision; either she would remain silent and God would raise up someone else to use, or she would deny her own fear and take her divine purpose in history.  

Esther 4:14 reads, "You have come into the kingdom for such a time as this". You have been born into the Kingdom for this time on earth! You have a purpose to fulfill in your generation. You being on planet earth in 2021 is no accident! God has hand selected a generation of world changers to run this final leg of time!

Don't let the cares of life or intimidation of man (or woman) rob you of fulfilling your destiny! The enemy wants to paralyze God's people in darkness, but you, sweet sister, are the light of the world!

Choose today to fulfill God's purpose in your generation and run God's race like never before! Arise and shine; the light has come.

It's time to SHINE!

joie miller