Eight Keys to Improving Your Longevity

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God created Adam and Eve to live forever, and prior to the fall, Adam, as the first human, must have been nearly perfect. When sin entered the world, each generation following Adam progressively began to live shorter and shorter lives. Perhaps those early generations lived such long lives because that was the time in which man was the closest to his originally intended state.

Can you imagine if people now lived as long as the oldest people in the Bible? What if I told you that there are labs across the world working on treating aging as a disease rather than just a natural part of life?  I believe that we are living in the best of times and simultaneously the worst of times in terms of longevity. We are combating more toxic elements than ever due to radiation, heavy metals, viral explosion, pesticides, DDT residue, and more-- we are basically bathing in DNA damage.

So how do we combat all this? Although we can’t live to be as old as Methuselah (969 years old!), here are my suggestions based on research to help you live a longer, stronger, healthier, and, might I add, happier life.

1. What you fuel your body with matters. 

Studies of centenarians from all over the world have shown that a large contributing factor to longevity is diet. Researchers found that those who live to be 100 consume more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains and less meat, sugar, and dairy products.

2. It's not just what you eat but the way you eat.

Research has shown that those who eat less may live longer. One of the most popular methods is practicing intermittent fasting, rotating between set time periods of eating and fasting every day and usually starting with the first meal around noon.


3. Get your sweat on!

It has been found that exercise and physical activity are related to having longer telomeres, a vital component of cellular health. As you age, telomeres are shortened, leading to possible cell deterioration and disease which can ultimately impact the length of your life. When you exercise, it’s like turning back the clock on a cellular level. When you combine exercise and fasting, you can positively impact your longevity.

4.  Get hot… or cold.

Staying in a neutral thermal zone won't do you any good. Exposure to environments above or below your comfortable body temperature has demonstrated health benefits.

5. Support your gut.

By the time you turn 38 years old, you have lost almost half of your digestive enzymes, meaning you need some support when it comes to digesting your food. Taking digestive enzymes before each meal will help your body perform at its best. I take these digestive enzymes from Essante Organics.

6. Supplement when needed.

We all need help from time to time, and your body is no different, particularly as you age. Consider these supplements with anti-aging benefits.

●     NMN

●     NAD boosters

●     Resveratrol

●     Vitamin D with K2

●     Goat’s Rue


7. Choose chemical and toxin free as often as possible.

Keep what you put on your body and in your body free from harmful chemicals.  Organic and toxin free are your best choices when possible. The two skincare brands I love are Pure Botanicals and Osea. I also use this body lotion from Essante.


8. Clean with natural products.

Consider switching to natural cleaning products to lower your exposure to harmful chemicals. Two brands I recommend are Puracy and Humble Suds. You can also simply use vinegar.


Guest Blogger- Ashley Geidel

Ashley Geidel is a health and wellness expert! She and her husband, David, own Arthur Murray Dance Studio, and Ashley loves to teach Zumba classes and educate women on how to live their best whole and healthy life. Ashley encourages women to make small changes that will lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.

Outside of the dance studio, you can find Ashley playing with her kids, Alex, Levi, and Lillia, walking her dog, Cinnamon, or being involved with her church.

Facebook: Ashley Geidel