You Become What You Imagine

Mastering your mind is not just about putting a halt to negative thinking. It’s about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. After all, you are a new creation in Christ! Your past is behind you, so it’s time to help your thoughts line up with your new identity. In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to rewire your mind so that you think positively about yourself and God’s plan for your life.

Q: When you think about yourself, do you usually think positive thoughts or negative thoughts? Why do you think that is your instinct? What Bible verses help encourage you to think positively about yourself?

Train your mind to think as a new creation. The Bible says, “As a [woman] thinks in her mind, so is [she]!” (Proverbs 23:7) Focus your mind on the good things that God says about you, and you will start to see them come to pass in your life.

Dare to Dream

Sometimes we think that we are too far gone for God to use us, and that is not true! Dare to dream with God for big things. The Bible says that no eye has seen and no ear has heard what God has prepared for those who love him. So, use your imagination, and know that His plan for you is good. It is so much better than you could ever even imagine for yourself.

Pray this: Father God, thank you for creating me for a purpose. I believe in you. I believe in your purpose for my life. And I believe that my life will bring your glory as I follow your instructions. Forgive me for any time I have let my own voice or the voice of the world speak louder than your truth. Help me to hear your voice and to confidently believe what you say. Help me to move forward in faith and to fill my mind with the truth of your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller