When God Doesn't Get the Memo

How do you handle your heart when things don't go as planned? Today, we're diving into the story of Lazarus's resurrection in John 11. Even though the story ends well, there were many opportunities for the disciples, Mary, and Martha to be disappointed in Jesus. They saw the situation through natural eyes when Jesus wanted them to see it through the lens of the supernatural.

You see, Jesus knew that Lazarus was sick. And because He was also God, He knew what would happen if He didn’t go heal him. Even though he expressed his concern, Jesus did not take action! In fact, he stayed where he was two more days. When he finally went to see Lazarus, he was already dead.

Sometimes we think we know what God is going to do. We expect to get pregnant at a certain time or to be promoted to a specific job title. We imagine how God will heal our sick relatives and use the experience to lead them to Him. But what do you do when it looks like God isn’t moving or he didn’t get the memo?

Excuse me, God? We ask. Isn’t this the right time? Why aren’t you working now? Why don’t things look like I pictured?

When you face situations where it looks like God isn't moving or like he didn't get the memo, remember that He is the one who is writing your story, and He is working all things together for your good!

Jesus eventually raised Lazarus from the dead and proved to everyone that He was the son of God. They had never seen anything like it! What at first looked like a mistake turned out to be one of the greatest miracles Jesus did on Earth.

Maybe you feel like God has disappointed you in the past. I want to encourage you that if it’s not good, He’s not done! Reengage your faith, Woman of God!

Pray this: Father God, today I’m taking back my joy, peace, and faith. I know that no matter what I have been through, I can trust you. Help me clearly see where I have been putting my will and expectations on you. Forgive me for thinking that I can take your place in my life. I trust you, and I love you. I can’t wait to see what you have in store. Amen!

joie miller