Three Mindsets That Are Limiting Your Faith

God wants you to live a supernatural life, but you have to be willing to take the limits off! Today we’re going to discuss three mindsets that could be holding you back from being the person God has called you to be.

Did you know that you determine what is possible and what is impossible in your life?

Too often, I see women let their circumstances dictate what they can or can’t do instead of letting God have the final say. They adopt negative mentalities that cut off their faith and limit what God can do in their lives.

Look at Judges 6:11-16. Gideon felt like he was completely unworthy of God’s affirmation. Still, he had to decide if he was going to limit himself and reject what God was saying or choose faith!

Here are three mindsets you need to correct if you want to have faith for the impossible!

1. I can’t
Take your thoughts captive! Sometimes we allow comparison or fear to cause us to think that we can’t do what God is calling us to do. The reality is that everyone fails in the beginning, but the more you take action, the better you will be.

2. It’s too hard.

When you’re doing things that God has called you to do, it can be hard and uncomfortable. Those challenges will produce a maturity in you that will qualify you for your next level of victory. God will honor your faith, especially when you keep showing up no matter what.

3. The What-If Mindset?

Fear loves to keep you in a place of paralysis where you can’t do what God has called you to do. Instead of asking, “What if _____ happens?” declare that “Even if _____ happens, God is still good! He is still with me. I am still called and chosen.”

Pray this: Father God, thank you for calling me. I’m sorry for every limit I have put on myself, and for the ways I have tried to disqualify myself from what you’ve called me to do. I want to please you, and I know that you don’t make mistakes. Help me to have the faith to get started and trust you to fill in the gaps. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller