Justifying Joppa

Have you ever tried to hide from God? Before you say no, take a moment to let that question sink in. Is there anything that God has told you to do or to stop doing, yet you haven't obeyed Him? Or maybe he keeps trying to speak to you on a specific area of your life, but you tune him out by diving into your favorite TV series or staying busy at work. God wants a rich relationship with you where His presence transforms you! But God can only do that if you let Him in.

This sermon focused on the story of Jonah. It’s a short book, so take the time to read through it all.

Jonah not only disobeyed God, but he tried to justify it! He felt like his thoughts and opinions were higher than God’s! It’s tempting to judge him for thinking such a stupid thing, but we all do it sometimes. We trust what the doctor says about our child’s development instead of believing that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. We stress out over inflation and foreign conflicts. We even run from the purpose he has for our lives.

Over time, we try to justify these actions and make up reasons why we can’t trust God. As you listen to this podcast, we will uncover the reasons that we run from God, and I’ll challenge you to trust God again in three different areas.

Pray this: Father God, help me to be aware of your voice. I don’t want to hide from you—I want to trust you with my whole heart! Help me to find my safety and security in you, even when it goes against my natural tendencies. Starting today, I’m going to stop making excuses for why I can’t do what you’ve called me to do and start taking ground in Jesus’ name! Amen!

joie miller