Victory Over Me in 2023 - March Chick Church

 Before God can do something to you, He has to do it through you! Have you been feeling as if God is asking you to take a look in the mirror and make some changes? The only way to get to our victory is to take ground and create a new version of ourselves. It takes us being courageous enough to take a hard look in the mirror.

Through Jacobs' story in Genesis 32, we learn about a wrestling match he faced. Jacob comes to a place where he has to send his family ahead of him, leaving him alone to figure things out. For us to take on new territory in our lives, we must also change from within. This is necessary to receive the victory! 


God cannot do a work in whom we are pretending to be. Sometimes, we need to admit that the problem is us. God is calling you to take new spaces and places, and the image of whom we used to be cannot come with you. If God does not see the broken version of you, why do you still allow yourself to focus on it? We need to understand that whatever God wants to bring as our victory, the enemy wants to keep away from us. What is this for you? Fear? Shame? Responding negatively to others? What is that thing that God is trying to heal you from, but the enemy keeps using?

It is time to crucify the old you! A great question to ask yourself is,  “God, what is it in me that you no longer want to represent in the new me?” Once you know that, it is time to let God have the victory over it. We are made new through the blood of Jesus Christ; joy, peace, and righteousness are our portion!

joie miller