New Me in 2023

Who did God create us to be in this year? A huge stumbling block for many Christians is understanding that our sin does not define us. We can either allow the enemy to take us out of authority and power or trust and know that God has bigger plans. The enemy knows the battle was already won; he cannot take you out. Instead, he tries to convince you to take yourself out of a position of authority through your thoughts. 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away behold, the new has come.”

    2 Corinthians 5:17

Being Christians, we are a new creation through Christ, no matter our past. Whatever 2022 may have brought- it does not matter; all things are made new. This revelation is something the enemy does not want you to access. He wants you to believe you are still under the bondage of that past. Romans 8 tells us we are alive in the spirit! Our role as Spirit-filled believers is to discern the difference between the enemy's voice (condemnation)  and what our Father wants us to hear (conviction).

Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ because of the blood that He shed on the cross! It does not matter if the outside might look exactly the same; the transformation within us is where the work is happening. Knowing how God perceives you is essential to making this internal growth flourish!

Once you renew your mind, His voice can echo inside you, speaking of truth and not through the voices of who you used to be. God wants to redeem your story, using everything the enemy had attempted to halt you in, but use it now for His purposes! 

God wants to do so much more for you, and staying in your past sin could be holding you back from this blessing. This is precisely where the enemy wants you to be, but by the grace of God, that is not who we are! Stop identifying with that old nature, as that is not who you are anymore!



Declare this week: “I am a new creation because of Jesus Christ, and I have a plan and purpose to fulfill by the grace of God!”




joie miller