Think, Feel, Choose

Did you know that your body doesn’t control your mind; your mind controls your body? Our mind is the home of our thoughts, will, and emotions. The more our thoughts are negative, the more we feel it in our bodies. But, when we think positive thoughts aligned with Word of God, we will feel stronger and more energetic. That’s the power of perspective!

But some people walk around expecting negative things to happen. Instead of putting their faith in God, they put their faith in their past experiences or limiting thoughts. 

I love the story in John 5 of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Can I be honest? I didn’t use to like it. I used to wonder why he didn’t try harder or why he didn’t get more help. But when I looked closer, I realized he was stuck in the same destructive patterns I’ve also had to overcome.

After waiting for over 30 years for his miracle, it was an act of faith to look at Jesus and trust him enough to follow his instructions. Something changed in his mind in that moment where he stopped believing the lies of the enemy and engaged the truth of God’s Word!

Don’t allow what didn’t happen to define your expectations.

If you want to see new miracles in your life, you have to change the way you think, feel, and act. And everything starts with your thinking.

Do your thoughts align with God’s Word, or are you repeating the same old narrative?

The enemy wants you to align your feelings with your thoughts. When you feel tempted to believe his lies, ask yourself what the Word of God says and practice gratitude for where He has brought you so far.

You have the power to change your thoughts and see greater things happen in your life!

Pray this: Father God, thank you for renewing my mind with your Word. Help me to bring every thought captive and make it submit to Christ. Show me any thought pattern I have that does not glorify you. In Jesus’s name, amen!

joie miller