The Mrs. Rev Podcast: The Power of Expectation

With many stores closed or operating under restrictions, I have been doing a lot of shopping online! After I make my order, I wait with expectation for the package to arrive. I like to check the status online until it finally arrives on my doorstep!

Expectation changes the way you think, talk, and act.

Maybe you’ve been experiencing the same kind of expectation. But have you been applying expectations to your goals? Goals are just acts of faith. When you set a goal, you’re not just asking God to bless what you’re doing. You are developing your spirit to see what God has in store for you.

Ask: What are you believing for right now? Has your expectation changed since the beginning of the year? Decide whether you need to double down on your original goals or if God is directing you toward something new.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

In the original language, desire means: from the father. When you spend time with God, he puts certain desires in your heart. Those desires help you target what you are believing God will do! When you have specific goals, you can see what he is doing more clearly.

“Let not your heart envy sinners, but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day. Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:17-18

Don’t put limits on your expectation. Whatever you are having faith for is what God will do in your life.  Follow these steps to activate your expectation and see your dreams come to life!

  1. Ask God to show you what desire he has put in your heart.

  2. Find a scripture that represents what you are believing for and declare it every day!

  3. Develop new behaviors around your desire. You may have to change what you pay attention to because you have a responsibility to take action!

  4. Stay focused. Review your goals and remember why you set them!

  5. Identify any obstacles - be real with yourself. Outthink yourself and be proactive in addressing those obstacles.

  6. Don’t quit!

Start to think about what it will be like to achieve your goals. Don’t just worry about what will happen if you never achieve it. (James 1:6)

Stop doubting yourself; doubt your doubts! Be stubborn about that which you are believing God for.

Ask: Am I really expecting my dreams to happen? Am I looking for it? Am I speaking life into it? What would it look like for you to apply fresh expectation to what you are believing God will do?

Pray it out: God, thank you for giving me dreams and desires. Help me to honestly discern what desires are from you and to put them into words. Help me to be faithful to expect that you will fulfill those dreams and desires in me. Work out anything in me that needs to be fixed in order to see my dreams come to pass. I know that what you have for me is better than what I could even imagine for myself and that everything I do is for your glory. Thank you for choosing me and using me to be a part of your plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

joie miller