The Mrs. Rev Podcast: In the Middle

Have you ever been in the middle of a mess? As Christians, we know that it is never God’s will for us to struggle or suffer. But we also know that sometimes there are situations that are out of our control. How do you maintain your faith while you are in the middle? In this episode, Pastor Joie presents some lessons from the story of Lazarus’s death and resurrection in John 11:1-44. Through this account, we can learn how to keep moving forward in faith, regardless of the situation. Mary and Marhta were in the middle of a difficult situation, the sudden death of their brother. To make matters more difficult, they knew that Jesus had the power to save him.

  1. God is always right on time.

    In the story of Lazarus’s death and resurrection, it seemed like Jesus was late. After all, Lazarus had died! But everything Jesus did was to fulfill a specific plan. When situations seem out of control in your own life, you might ask, “Where is Jesus? Has God forgotten about me?” The Bible tells us that God’s ways are higher than our ways. Trust in Him and know that he is working in the middle of our lives right now!

  2. Jesus cares about your thoughts and emotions.

    Jesus sees you. The Bible says that He keeps every tear you cry. He’s empathetic toward you. Having emotions does not mean that you do not have faith. But when you confront your emotions head-on and give them to Jesus, you override your emotions with who you know god to be. Acknowledging that your faith is not lining up with your feelings allows you to move through your feelings to a place of greater faith.

  3. Who you surround yourself with matters!

    Mary and Martha allowed people to sit with them and mourn their loss. When you’re trying to hear from the Lord, engage your faith, and guard your heart, you need to watch who is with you.

Your situation may look like a mess, but if you dare to keep believing and bring it to the Lord, you’re going to see a miracle come from your mess.

It matters that you say, “I don’t understand, but I still believe.”

It matters that you don’t quit.

It matters that you keep doing what is good.

Don’t abandon the process or neglect the things you know to do. God is bringing you out on the other side, and you’re going to see the miraculous happen!

God won’t quit on us. We’re the ones who quit on him.

Pray this: God, thank you for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you for giving me the Bible so that I can know just how mighty and faithful you are. Thank you for always coming through for me in the past. I know that no matter what is going on, that you are going to work it together for my good. God, sometimes my emotions don’t line up with what I know is true. Sometimes I’m mad, frustrated, and worried. Help me to see your goodness in this situation. I know that I can trust you, and I know that the miraculous is being released on my behalf. Help me to walk in joy and peace, regardless of what is going on around me. I love you, and I thank you again. in Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller