The Mrs. Rev Podcast: Releasing Your Faith

Many Christians feel like they need more faith when they are facing hard times. Really, God is calling you to use the faith you already have! Every Christian has a measure of faith--you used your faith to believe in God and ask Him to be your savior. When you are challenged by difficult situations, whether you’re homeschooling your kids during the pandemic, looking for a new job, or you need more peace, your faith gives you the power to overcome!

“He said to them, ‘Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.’”Matthew 17:20

Whatever you are facing, you can use the faith you already have to see things change. Today, God is pulling us to live a life where we engage and release our faith. God did not create you just to look cute. You were created to engage in a lifestyle of faith and see the supernatural every day!

Q: Is there any situation that you have been dealing with in the natural? What has kept you from dealing with it in prayer? Find a scripture that will remind you that God wants you to overcome by your faith in this situation.

Remember, you don’t need a large amount of faith. You need pure faith. Don’t let fear limit your faith. Don’t let worry limit your faith. You can be confident that God hears you when you pray and will answer you. You can be confident in the authority He has given you!

So, how do you use your faith?

Remember, faith requires action. The action of turning on a light in your house accesses the electricity. If you never turned the switch on, you would be sitting in the dark. You have to access the power available to you.

You can release your faith by creating a point of contact with God. This point of contact is an act of obedience to His word. By giving, anointing yourself with oil, or having someone lay hands on you, you are showing that you believe in the Word of God. These acts on their own do not mean anything. They have an impact because they show that you are obedient to the Word of God.

Let your first step be to go to God in faith, not to respond to your natural fears or concerns. Decide that this week, you are going to make space for faith and see things change!

Pray this: God, I love you so much. Thank you for giving me a measure of faith. Thank you for saving me and drawing me near to you. God, I want to live a life where I see everything work out for my good. I want to live in a way where I’m not overwhelmed or feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Help me to take action on my faith. Help me to keep my faith pure. Show me anything in my life that is limiting my faith. I’m excited to see you move on my behalf! Use me as a testimony of your goodness! In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller