The Mrs. Rev Podcast: Keep Showing Up

Are you a quitter? Are you in a cycle where you start something and quit, then start something different and quit again? I don’t want you to feel condemned! It can feel really discouraging to keep trying and never see the results you want. But, I want to encourage you to keep showing up and try again. Keep giving God something He can bless. Keep doing what he told you to do until He tells you to do something new.

Maybe you have a goal to lose weight, get a new job, or buy a house. Maybe your goal is less tangible, like having a good relationship with your kids or growing your faith. To achieve your goal, you will need to show up every day and be consistent.

Q: What habit have you given up on? Why? What do your think would look different in your life if you did not give up?

When you show up, you do what you know to do even though you haven’t seen the results yet.

The micro-investments you make every day will make a macro harvest.

Showing up means continuing to do what you know to do, even if you don’t see change.

Good intentions are a great start, but they are also the place a lot of dreams die. You can have all the intentions in the world, but if you aren’t taking action on it, you will not see any results.

Pressure either makes you press in and press forward, or it can make you retreat backward.

The good news is that the Holy Spirit will help you every step of the way! He knows you! He knows the calling on your life. He knows your destiny. The anointing in you will teach you how to prosper. 

“For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.” Proverbs 24:16

Make this your mantra: If I keep showing up, it is impossible for me to fail. God will sustain me!

So keep showing up!

Show up until you GROW up.
You will mature! God will deal with character issues and help you have greater faith and trust in Him.

Show up until you GLOW up.
You will become who God created you to be. You will look more like Him!

Show up until you BLOW up.
Don’t get tired of doing good. Don’t get tired of making those little investments every day. One day you will look back and release how all of your sacrifices paid off! Suddenly it will not feel like you are stuck on a plateau. Keep going forward! Your health, your relationships, your destiny will all benefit if you don’t give up.

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me dreams and desires. I know that you have good plans for me. Help me to do my part. God, I’m sorry for when I have not continued doing what you asked me to do. Help me to develop the discipline to stay consistent. Help me to develop the perspective to keep moving forward even when it does not look like anything is changing. Thank you for making me more and more like you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

joie miller