The Mrs. Rev Podcast: Overcoming Shame

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Overcoming Shame

It is normal to feel guilty when you have done something wrong and need to ask for forgiveness, but guilt does not need to lead to shame. Guilt says, “What you did was wrong.” Shame says, “You are wrong. You are dirty. You are broken.” 

When you become a Christian, you need to let God show you who you are in Christ and get rid of any area of shame in your life.

Shame paralyzes you and prevents you from becoming the woman God wants you to be.

Q: Is there any area in your life that has caused you to feel shame? What part of your identity does that shame attack? Find a Bible verse that speaks to your identity in Christ and put it somewhere you will see it frequently, like the lock screen on your phone.

Allowing feelings of shame to remain in your life will harm you and your relationships. If you don’t think you’re worth anything, you will allow yourself to be with people who treat you badly.  

Regardless of what has caused you to feel shame in your life, you need to understand that Jesus took on our shame so that we can be restored into dignity. God does not want you to carry shame around with you. You are the daughter of a king. Jesus has made a way for you to be free from every feeling of guilt and shame, but you need to have the revelation of how much God loves you. 

“Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” - Isaiah 61:7

Pastor Mary’s Testimony

Pastor Mary’s experience with shame started when she saw her father abuse her mother. The way fathers treat their wives will determine the outcome of a healthy girl. My father was strong and abusive and my mom had struggles with alcohol her whole life. Pastor Mary felt vulnerable and frustrated that she couldn’t protect her. That experience opened the door for shame in her life over being a woman. 

She didn’t like being around women or even in the same room as other women. But she later realized that when you don’t feel comfortable around women because they look a certain way or act a certain way, it is because you don’t feel comfortable with yourself.

A few years ago, Mary spent time in Canada under the teaching of a female pastor who preached to women about the role of a woman in life and in marriage and in God’s eyes. As she sat in under those teachings, her views of females started to change and God began to break shame off her life.

Toward the end of her time there, she went to an event where she was supposed to wear a black dress, and at the time, she did not wear dresses. She did not have long hair or wear anything feminine. A friend convinced her to try on a dress and boots, and when she wore them to the event, her hatred for femininity broke off of her. Now she likes wearing dresses and boots!

Back in Switzerland, God called Pastor Mary to start a women’s conference. She greeted every woman at the event with a hug--over 500 women! People could not believe the transformation. At the end of the event, she said out loud, “I love women!” She finally cared for women and could identify with them. Now, she actively works to help other women surround themselves with strong, healthy women and continues to host the She Loves conference in Switzerland.

God had taken her shame over being a woman that had started when she witnessed her mother being abused and completely transformed her life. Bit by bit, God helped Mary release that shame so that she could embrace her femininity and understand that women do not have to look like men to be strong, they can be strong through the power of God.

Q: How do you feel about being a woman? What has formed your opinions of womanhood and femininity? How can you challenge your opinions based on the Word of God?

If you have ever experienced shame, whether due to abuse, things you have done, or situations that were out of your control, God wants to free you of that shame right now.

But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:3

Pray this: Father, thank you for your immense love for me. Thank you that it knows no limits and that knowing what I would need right now, you sent your son Jesus to die for me. To take my sin and my shame. Show me any area of shame in my life and help me to release anyone who has caused me to feel shame. Help me to understand your great love and to silence the voice of the enemy when he tries to accuse me again. Today I’m choosing to be free, and I thank you for walking with me and showing me how to walk in complete freedom. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller