I'll Have What She's Having

We've all been there--in a restaurant trying to decide what to order and suddenly, we look up from the menu, and a delicious looking meal comes out and is placed on the table next to us. Immediately, we respond, "I'll have whatever they are having!"


Seeing something appealing right in front of you is more persuasive than just hearing about it. How many times have you noticed someone with the skin, hair, or body type that you want and immediately ask, "What is your secret?"

When we see something good, we want it for ourselves!

When people look at your life, what does it reflect? Is it a life that would make someone say, "I'll have what she's having! I don't know why she is so joyful, peaceful, and purposeful, but whatever is working, I want some!"

Your life is a reflection of the master you serve!

"No man can serve two masters: for you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other." Matthew 6:24

If fear masters you, God does not. If bitterness masters you, God does not. If worry masters you, God does not! If greed or lust masters you, God does not. What master is your life reflecting?

"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart." Proverbs 27:19

Our lives are a reflection of what it is like to be a child of God. If you are constantly feeling beat down and depressed, nobody wants what you have! In fact, they want to make sure they are not getting those results!

What is your life magnetizing? See, what you are will be attracted to you. If you are always struggling in certain areas, chances are you will be surrounded by people who also struggle in similar areas. Being surrounded by people who are like you allows you to settle into a place of acceptance and normalcy.  Normal isn't always God's best for you! There is a better way of living available to you through Jesus! A relationship with God gives us access to a different way of living! 

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

God's plan isn't for people to feel bad for you as a child of God but for people to want a dose of what you have! This doesn't mean that all of the circumstances in your life are always conducive to a joyous, happy reaction. It does mean that you live in a way where you don't let these circumstances define you, your day, or your future! 

As a child of God, you have access to a way of living beyond natural circumstances. You can see past the present into the fulfilled covenant promises of God. This transcends living a life that reflects how we feel and what our circumstances are. This way of living taps into a life that reflects who we are in Christ! In Him, you have peace instead of anxiety. You have joy instead of sorrow. You have faith instead of fear! This kind of living causes others to say, "I don't know what she is having, but I'll have it, too!" 

Let your life be a reflection of God's faithfulness! Get in the presence of God daily, and before you know it, people will want to know what makes you different! Break those old patterns and mindsets, and start living a life reflecting God's goodness on display! Live your life through Christ so that others look at you and say, "I'll have what she's having!" 

joie miller