The Mrs. Rev Podcast: What is Essential Anyways?

This episode was released in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, you probably were realizing that many of your activities and stores are not as “essential” as you thought they were. In this episode, Pastor Joie challenges us to use this season to take care of things that we are usually too distracted to deal with.

“The busyness of life can get us in such a routine that we don’t even realize that we are exchanging things that aren’t important for things that are very valuable.”

The Bible talks about how we go through the “refiner’s fire.” This means that God uses trials to pull impurities out of us so that we can be a pure vessel for Him to use. Have you been allowing God to work on your heart, attitude, and priorities in this season so that when life returns to normal, you are ready to fulfill the work He has called you to do?

Take some time to reflect on the word essential. What do you think qualifies something as essential? Was there anything in your life before the pandemic that you thought was essential that you now realize was not?

Many people are using the pandemic as a time to get their house in order and declutter their closets. Is there anything in your life that could be causing spiritual clutter? Are there any issues with your kids

Are you facing any distractions during this season that you were not facing before? For example, old attitudes and mentalities, financial issues, or difficulties with your spouse or children? How can you best deal with those issues so that you can focus on living a life of joy and peace, no matter what is going on around you?

Pray this: God, I know that you do not send trouble to us, but I thank you for using this pandemic to purify me. Help me to submit to your will in this season. Show me what your priorities are for my life. Show me what I need to work on so that when this is over, I can move forward in every plan that you have called me to fulfill. I love you, and I commit everything that I do to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller