The Mrs. Rev Podcast: Get Back Up

Do you feel like you are facing a challenge? You’re not alone! Even the most confident and successful people deal with difficult situations every day. Whether you created your issue or you were unjustly thrust into a conflict, God’s will is for you to overcome!

“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.” Proverbs 24:16

When you are a Christian, you keep getting back up! It’s not over until God says it’s over. And as long as you are living, it’s not over. If you’re not careful, the enemy will try to trick you out of the vision God has put in your heart. You need to cling to the vision!

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18

1. Don’t second-guess what God speaks to you.

If I know that I heard from God, no man on earth can talk me out of it, intimidate me or make me fearful. If God told me to do it, it is a done deal.

Q: What was the last thing God told you to do? Have you done it yet? Why or why not? Pray and ask God to renew your faith and your vision for that thing!

2. Don’t quit because you feel tired or weak.

You are fighting the fight of faith! Sometimes you can breeze through, and other times you have to plow and work hard. God’s mercy for you is new every morning. You can find continued strength and rest in Him! In the moments when you are feeling weak, the enemy will come in and say that you should just quit. He will make you tired by causing you to think about the problem. The solution is to get alone with the Lord and cast your cares on Him. He cares for you!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

3. Don’t quit because you feel like you are insignificant.

If God is going to do it, he’ll just use someone else. Do not compare what He has called you to do to anyone else. You have to be fully convinced that God has good works prepared just for you. He created you with unique gifts and talents. Just because your calling and your path looks different than your neighbor’s does not make it any less important to the Kingdom of God.

Q: Is there anyone who you compare yourself to? Why do you think God is so against comparison? Instead of comparing yourself, make a list of 20 things that you are good at or that you like about yourself. When you feel insignificant, remember that God created you with exactly the gifts and talents and personality you need to fulfill His call. Read the list out loud to yourself and thank God for making YOU!

4. Don’t quit because you feel like you are a failure.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you look at what God is doing on other people’s lives and see that it’s working out for everyone else, but it does not look like it is going to work for you. God did not create you by mistake. Keep pressing it to what you know to do, and trust that at the right time you will see the results you are working toward!

Pray this: God, thank you for leading and guiding me. Thank you for constantly encouraging me through your Word and your Spirit. I know that you have good works for me, but sometimes I feel tired. Sometimes I feel like a failure or like I am insignificant. Help me to focus on who you say that I am and to get back up after every setback or defeat I face. I trust you with my life more than I trust myself. I love you and ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller