The Mrs. Rev Podcast: "Don't Shrink Your Dream" with Terri Savelle Foy


With everything that is going on in the world, many people are asking, “What am I going to do with my 2020 dreams?” In this week’s episode, we sat down with Terri Savelle Foy to talk about the word God gave her regarding what to do when it looks like your dreams are not going to happen.

Last year, it looked like Terri’s dreams were not going to happen. She had not reached any of her goals for the year in August of 2019, and with only four months left, she was starting to worry. She thought about reducing her goals or setting different expectations. However, in prayer, God said, “Don’t shrink your dream, enlarge your faith to achieve it.”

God reminded Terri that the dream is not the problem, it’s the dreamer. Through that time of prayer, God gave Terri a checklist to make sure her faith was big enough for her dreams. Terri followed the steps the Lord gave her, and in December of last year, she achieved 8 of the 10 goals and the other 2 were met in January. 

In March of 2020, government regulations due to COVID-19 caused businesses to make huge changes including modifying or even canceling their plans. When Terri's executive team was telling her about all the events that were canceled and it started to feel like her dreams wouldn’t happen, but the Lord told her the same thing. Don’t shrink your dreams, enlarge your faith.

Dream as big as you can on paper.

Use your imagination for the best, not the worst! Your chance of success increases by 40% if you write down your goals.

Keep your dream big.

Whatever gets in your mind and stays there will happen. It’s up to you to guard your mind by watching what you think about and what you say. If you’re not going to speak faith, don’t speak at all. We know that the bible says that we are snared by the words of our mouth. When we speak negative words, we are trapping ourselves into what we don’t want. If you’re not sure if what you’re saying is helping or hurting you, say “...and that’s just the way I want it” at the end of every sentence. If it is not the way you want it, don’t speak it.

Deliberately choose your input.

Your input shapes your outlook, and your outlook shakes your behavior. Make sure you find a way to listen to the word of God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, not the news!

Q: What do you spend more time thinking about, the Word of God, or the news? How do you feel after you spend time with the Lord versus after you watch the news?

Declare a Fast.

When you pray, you expect a return. When you pray and give you can expect a bigger return. And when you pray, give, and fast, you can expect an even bigger return. Fast something your flesh craves, because if it matters to you, it matters to God.

Q: Have you ever fasted before? If not, why? If so, what did you find the most challenging? The most beneficial? What would be a sacrifice for you to give up?

Designate a memorable offering.

Sow something that stretches your faith and is memorable to you. Terri’s ministry sowed $2612 into several ministries every Wednesday in March. The amount that they sowed was exactly what they needed to accomplish their dreams this year. At first, nothing happened! So, they started praising God after every time they sowed. In the first week of April, her ministry had more transactions than the entire months of March and February combined!

God wants to see you accomplish your goals and to grow your faith. Don’t give up in this season! Keep moving forward and thank the Lord for everything He is doing. Let’s decide to thank the Lord so much that the devil asks, “Did I miss something?”

Pray This: God, thank you for giving me dreams and for helping me accomplish them. As I have been doing my part, I thank you for doing your part and creating a way where there is no way. I thank you for helping me prioritize my time and my resources in a way that pleases you. Help me not to get so caught up in the news or my own way of thinking that I miss out on what you are telling me. I love you, and I know that you are going to use this season to accomplish your purposes in and through me. In Jesus’s name, Amen!

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