Taking Our Place

What is a constant frustration in your life? What seems out of order? You are anointed to bring order to chaos and stress, but it requires you to take the principles in God’s Word and practice them in your daily life. As a Christian, God has given you authority, but you must apply the authority to every area, not just the big spiritual things. If you want to do anything for God, it starts with you.

Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. Luke 10:19 NLT

This year, I want to challenge you to take spiritual principles and apply them to your everyday life. Read the tips below on how to take your place as a child of God in 2023.

1.     Think about your realm of influence. What do you have influence over? Is it only yourself, your family, or your workplace? What areas of life have been your constant stressor? Where do you find yourself just “getting by” but not seeing progress? This could be your finances, health, or relationships.

2.     Take away the excuse that someone else is going to fix these areas. Decide that you will take your authority over these areas in 2023. The enemy wants to strip you of your authority and make you feel you must take whatever is given to you. What areas of frustration or chaos do you have? Command them to get back into alignment with what God’s Word says.

3.     Get in God’s Word! To understand your rights as a child of God, you must know what his Word says. Make sure you are operating in your daily life according to God’s Word. Focus on each little area where you have influence and start to bring order to the chaos and disorder.

Proverbs says, “ A wise woman watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.” Remember, change is not always fun. Change can be hard and cause us to do things we do not want to do. But we have a responsibility to God. This is your year of divine order as you operate in your authority!

Rachel Lyons