Perceiving What God is Doing Through Prayer and Fasting

Have you ever wondered what makes Biblical fasting different from the fasting many people talk about today? How does it work? Will fasting really make a difference in your life, or is it just for preachers? In today's podcast, we'll talk about what the Bible says about prayer and fasting and how fasting will affect the way you perceive what God is doing. When you start perceiving what God is doing through prayer and fasting, you will be supernaturally productive, aligned with God's will, see breakthroughs in difficult areas, and maintain a spirit of joy all year!

What is fasting?

Giving up food for a time in prayer and Bible reading. While giving up something like social media, TV, or caffeine may be good for your mind and body, this is not a fast, according to the Bible. True fasting causes change to happen in the spiritual real and manifest in your life.

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? - Isaiah 58:6

How To Fast:

  1. Give up one meal or more and pray during the time you usually would eat or prepare food.

  2. Ask God what He has for you this year.

  3. Ask God for breakthrough in areas where you have been struggling. See what the Word says and declare Truth over your life!

  4. Plan out what you are going to pray for and get scriptures together for each point.

  5. Take hold of what God is doing by faith!

Fasting changes how you perceive God and what He is doing.

When you see what God is doing, you stay connected to Him. He gives you the power, wisdom, and stamina to keep producing all year long. Instead of spinning your wheels and struggling with ups and downs, you will have joy because you can trust the path He has you on even when you can’t see what God is doing.

Pray this: Father God, thank you for teaching us how to fast through your Word. As I pray and fast this year, help me to hear your voice clearly. I want to follow you and do what you want me to do. If there’s anything standing in the way of me fulfilling your plan for my life, I ask that you remove it in Jesus’ name. Use your Holy Spirit to lead me to repent and take authority over any area I have allowed the lies of the enemy to prompt my behavior more than your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller