Spiritual Check Up on Offense

         Have you ever been around someone who is easily offended? How hurtful can it be that they cannot hear your heart and intention? It can be impossible! The enemy will try to sabotage what God is trying to do in your life, often through offense. He attempts to focus us inward, tripping us up to focus on ourselves and away from what God is doing. Offense is something that we choose to pick up or choose to take on. Yet, most of the time, people do not even mean to be offensive! Offense will either be a bearer in your life and in your growth towards the things God has for you, or it will be a propellor to your life mission from God.

The Canaanite woman in Matthew 15 could have easily been offended by Jesus’ words, even though that was not His intention. She could have missed out on her miracle if she had allowed her heart and her head to stay stuck in offense. Her ability to push past offense was the key to her miracle. 

Key Factor to Overcome Offense = Operating in Humility

You must ask yourself these questions:

*What is offending you?

*Is it worth blocking a miracle?

*Is this offense holding me back from growth in my life? 

*Will this offense block out a good relationship? A promotion? 

1 Corinthians 13:11 tells us, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” Offense can be a great opportunity to grow up in your life! It is a telltale sign that you are spiritually immature if you get offended easily. We can decide to put away these things; we have the ability not to receive certain words and actions as an offense. Growing can be established by declaring to yourself; I am choosing not to meditate on the negativity. I am choosing what God says about me over what that person says about me.

2 Steps to not get offended: Make God your main source of security and choose to grow up and take back ownership of your life.

         We get easily offended when we are not spending time with God, when we are not finding our wholeness in Him, when we look for others to fill the gaps in our life, and when we project in the form of offense through negative self-talk. Whatever it is, let the Holy Spirit speak to you. Let's do a heart check, asking God if there is any area of offense to show you so that you can confess it to Him, and you can move on and grow in everything He has for you!

Rachel Lyons