Having Victory in Your Relationships - February 2023 Chick Church

Relationships are a place where the enemy loves to get in, but applying the Word of God to our living will naturally bring the favor of victory! Some of the battles in our lives exist because we allow them. In every relationship we have, we can live in victory or stay in a place where we are the victim. But the good news is, we do not have to be in constant terminal and drama in the relationships in our lives! 

Most of our relationships are a reflection of our projection, which comes from what is not healed in our own lives and is likely us living in the past. You can only get the favor of victory in your relationships once you stop pleasing other people. Others should never take the place of God in your life; pleasing Him is the only focus! 


You’ve heard it before; the people around you will determine your destiny, and it will either hold you back or propel you into all God has for you in this life! You must change yourself first, not projecting onto others and hitting the same walls in your life and relationships. Reading the life of Joseph in Genesis 37 gives us an amazing example of overcoming hardships and mistreatment and allowing the will of God to be the focus. 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

Points on the Reality of Relationships: 

  1. Not everyone around you will be happy about what God is doing in your life, and you have to be okay with that.

  2. You have to set your boundaries, limit people, and watch who is in your room.

  3. Choose to walk in forgiveness and not be the victim anymore.

We have to be so focused on the assignment and dream God has for us that we do not even have time to pay attention to what others around us are doing or saying. Stay in your space of grace, and do not go outside of your anointing from God. If you want to be victorious, you must be a soldier! He has called us for more than just to be offended by the words and actions of others, which are not in our control. There will be some people that, even though you love them and mean well, are not meant to go into your miracle with you. 

Forgiving is letting go, not because someone always deserves it, but so you can be free. No one has power over you unless you give it to them; they cannot mess with your destiny unless you let them. We are called to love as Jesus loved; we must make an allowance for one another's faults and become unoffendable. We must learn to love people without letting them take us out of God's plan! 

In 2023, commit to controlling your peace and joy. Your joy is not up for grabs! You do not have to live a life of drama; identify it, put a boundary line around it, and protect the God-given peace you are owed as a child of the Most High!

Rachel Lyons