Shake It Off

Do you ever feel like you're carrying around the weight of the world? You don't have to take life as it comes! If the enemy can't get you to sin on big things, he will try to get you to attach yourself to offense, bitterness, or negative emotions. Thanks to Jesus, you have the power to shake off anything that tries to come against us. Today's podcast episode will show you how to shake off your emotions, stand firm in your faith, and stop worrying about what other people think about you. From today forward, you will walk in freedom in Jesus Christ!

3 Things Women of Faith Shake Off

  1. Shake Off Your Emotions

    You get to decide how you are going to feel! It's normal to have an emotional response to the things that are going on in your life, but that does not mean your emotions get to decide what you feel.

    Q: What emotions do you find difficult to shake off? What helps you to return to a place of joy and peace?

  2. Shake Off the Natural

    If you want to grow your faith, you have to shake off what you see in the natural. Sometimes the facts of the situation do not line up with the truth of God's Word, and your job is to choose to stand on the truth!

    Q: Describe a time when you were faced with a situation where your faith was tested. How did you shake off the natural? Who or what encouraged your faith the most during that time?

  3. Shake Off What Other People Think

    People are often not even thinking about you. They are too busy thinking about their own life. You will experience freedom like never before when you shake off their opinions and find your identity solely in Christ!

    Q: What stories are you telling yourself about what other people think of you? Where do you think those feelings come from? How can you guard your mind against these thoughts?

Pray this: Father God, thank you for giving me the power to shake off anything the devil tries to stick to me. Help me to line up my spirit, soul, and body with your Word and to trust you most. In Jesus' name, amen!

joie miller