How to Create A Family Culture

When you think of culture, you probably think of specific countries and areas of the world. Those cultures have been created over years of traditions, recipes, and norms passed down over generations. But as a woman, you can know how to create a family culture and a life that you love!

A family culture defines who we are, and we create it through our actions. Don’t let this overwhelm you, though. God’s grace is always available to us to help fill in the gaps. Your job is to decide what you value and how you will implement those values in your family’s day-to-day life.

Q: What culture do you want for your family? What are your core values?

If you want to have a strong family culture, you have to commit to doing the following:

  1. Define the culture.

  2. Pray into your values

  3. Make sure your values line up with your actions.

  4. Invest in your culture

  5. Create opportunities for togetherness.

  6. Protect your unity.

Q: What is one thing you can do this week to help your actions line up more with your values? What are you going to commit to praying for starting this week?

Pray this: Father God, thank you for every member of my family. Help me to learn how to steward them well and honor you with our relationships. Give me your grace to stick to my convictions and build a culture in my family that will help each of us to love you, honor you, and share your goodness with others. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller