Protecting Your Peace

Peace can be hard to come by in the time we are living. Luckily, peace is not a feeling! Peace is a fruit of the spirit. It’s a spiritual, supernatural gift that will guard your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7). This means that when you spend time with God, you can experience peace!

You might be saying, but I do spend time with God! I’m a Christian! Why am I not feeling peace? When you’re feeling anxious, you can feel like you have no control. But the Bible tells us that you do have control. (Philippians 4:6-7) Be anxious about nothing! Here are three ways that you can take control of your peace.

How do I protect my peace?

1. Guard your ears.

Who’s voice are you listening to? Today, you have a lot of choices! You have your friends, parents, co-workers, podcasters, and of course, the news. But you have to decide who you are going to let speak into your life because the things that you hear will impact the things you think. Will you believe the report of the Lord or the report of the world?

“Above all else guard your heart because out of it flows the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

2. Guard your mind.

The way to stay in peace and keep the supernatural protection of peace around you is to focus on what is good. If you’re always focused on the thing that gives you anxiety, you’ll step out of peace. That’s why the Bible tells us: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

Q: What kind of thoughts are you thinking? Are they helpful or harmful to your peace?

3. Guard your mouth.

This can seem so basic, but it is so important! The quickest way to get out of peace is to speak in alignment with what you’re feeling and emotions. Even sarcasm wears away at your peace because the heart of it is negativity. The next time you open your mouth, think about if what you are saying is true, lovely, or of good report. If it’s not, say something else! When you change what you say, you will walk in peace.

Pray this: God, thank you for giving us peace as a fruit of the spirit. When I go through challenging times, help me to feel your peace even more. Let every moment we spend together help me to walk in perfect peace. I believe what your word says in Isaiah 26:3. You will keep me in perfect peace when I keep my mind fixed on you. Help me to have the self-control to guard my ears, mind, and mouth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller