Crossing Over

Have you ever struggled with feeling like you are taking two steps forward and one step back in your walk with God? To see God do more in your life, you have to cross over from a place where your favor wavers based on your situation to a place where you trust God with your whole heart. If you are constantly going back and forth between fear and faith, your relationship with God might get you through day but you won’t claim any ground. God wants you to achieve every dream and plan He has for your life, and that is going to require crazy faith!

Q: What do you think crazy faith looks like? Who do you that has crazy faith? What evidence of that do you see in their life?

This podcast actually comes from a message I preached right at the start of the pandemic. Little did I know that we would still be talking about it almost 8 months later! Still, these three principles remain true:

  1. God has a promised land for you to obtain.

  2. God is sovereign.

  3. God is good.

Don’t stop in the middle of your story! Take responsibility for your life by discerning what God wants you to do, following his direction, and trusting that he wants what is best for you. As you start walking, the doors will start opening, and you will be amazed at what God will do!

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me a measure of faith. Help me to use that measure of faith to strike down every thought from the enemy. I want to cross over into a place where I leave everything except for the plans that you have for me. Help me to move on from every area of sin so that I can enter into the promised land you created for me. I love you and I am going to move forward trusting you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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