Confidence Killers (and how to fix them)

What do you do when you don’t feel confident? Even some of the most notable figures in the Bible struggled with self-confidence. Think about Moses in Exodus 4. He basically told God that He was wrong and He should find someone else to save the Israelites. But God did not allow Moses to take himself out of His plan. When God calls you to something, He will equip you to carry it out. In this episode of The Mrs. Rev Podcast, we talk about the issues that cause people to lack self-confidence and give you tips for improving your self-confidence. Remember, as a Christian, your confidence is not in yourself, it is in God!

If you lack confidence, it will halt God’s plan for your life.

Issues that Lower Your Self-Confidence

  1. Insecurity

    Insecure people ask themselves, “Do I really have what it takes?” The reality is that in your own strength, you don’t. When you focus on who is behind you, equipping and leading you, you can be confident. He is enough!

  2. Uncertainty

    Uncertain people ask themselves, “Did I hear from God?” If you’re reading the Bible, praying, and you want to be used, then you can trust the desires of your heart. You can walk forward with courage and boldness. God works with the desires of your heart and gives you desires that fuel you!

  3. Fear of Failure.

    If you are afraid of failure, you’ll never accomplish anything for God. You only fail if you quit. When you experience a setback, learn from it, and move on from it!

Ways to Grow Your Confidence

  1. Stretch yourself in the little things.

    Find little ways you can step out of your comfort zone! You will get more comfortable and confident as you stretch yourself a little bit at a time.

  2. Practice self-care

    Caring for yourself does not have to require a lot of time or money. Use the time and resources you have to feel better about yourself and project a confident image.

  3. Change the way you talk

    Talk positively about yourself out loud! When you do, it changes the way you view yourself. 

Pray this: God, thank you for loving me and walking beside me. Just like everything I have is yours, my confidence is yours. Help me to be fully confident in both who you made me to be and who you are. You are good and perfect, and I know that I can trust you with every area of my life. Help me to guard my mind against insecurity, uncertainty, fear, and negativity so that I can do everything you ask me to do. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller