Overcoming Fear

We’ve all felt afraid; whether it was because a bolt of lighting woke us up from a deep sleep or you received a call that a family member had been in an accident. Fear is a natural feeling, but the Bible is very clear that we cannot live in fear! In fact, I you’re not careful, fear will try to impact the way you live your day-to day life. That’s why today we’re talking about how to overcome fear with God’s word. I know that after this episode of The Joie Miller Podcast you’ll feel confident to stand up in your God-given authority and kick fear to the curb!

Pray this: Father God, I am so thankful that you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. I give ever rogue thought to you. Help me to be disciplined to reject fear and to walk in your peace instead. Even when the situations around me feel unstable and I can’t see how they are going to turn out, I know that I can trust you. You are working everything together for my good! In Jesus’s name, amen!

joie miller