Improving Your Personal Health

God wants us to be healthy so that we can live long and prosperous lives, but are there really easy ways to improve your physical and spiritual health? Today's guest is my friend Ashley Geidel, a health and fitness guru. We'll talk bout the first things you should do if you want to get healthy, the impact your self-talk has on your overall health, and why you need to make sure you're fit from the inside out. 

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2

As a child of God, we have access to wholeness in every area of our lives, not just spiritual or physical. Both!

Today's podcast aims to encourage you and help you feel equipped to be the best version of you that you can be inside and out. Our motivation to be fit isn't to fit into a specific size or reach a worldly standard of beauty— it is to glorify God with our bodies. The mission of God in our lives is accomplished by us being healthy, fit, and alive.

Overcoming Negative Patterns

You have to recognize the weapons that Satan uses today. People perish because they don't have the knowledge they need to succeed. If you have any negative patterns or a lack of self-discipline in any area, you have to allow the Lord to reveal them to you so that you can be the healthy, whole person he has called you to be. You have to choose to renew your mind every day!

Easy changes that can lead to a healthier life:

  1. Drink more water! Specifically, drink at least half your body weight in ounces and try to start your day with water. It will help you feel more energized and alert and aid in digestion.

  2. Walk more! Take breaks from sitting at your desk or choose to take the stairs.

  3. Choose to eat foods that are less processed. If it is living, it will be living for your body.

  4. Stop eating before 6pm every day.

  5. Celebrate the changes you can make! Don't beat yourself up because you cannot change everything right away.

As you're working toward living a healthier life, remember that your voice is the loudest voice you can hear. How do you talk about yourself? Do you love your body? Are you thankful for all the wonderful things it can do for you? Or do you criticize yourself? Do you tell yourself that you are not enough? Start speaking positive affirmations and biblical declarations over yourself! Choose to believe who you are in Christ, not the negative story you tell yourself.

Pray this: Father God, thank you for giving me a body that helps me move and do all the things I need to do. I want to take care of your creation and honor you with my body, spirit, and mind. Show me right now any area where I am not healthy, whether that is in my mind or body. Help me to be open to your correction. I want to please you with everything I am. Today, I give every unhealthy attitude toward food, exercise, and even my own body to you. Renew my mind with your Spirit and your Word, in Jesus’s name, amen!

joie miller