How to go forward when you feel like quitting

Have you ever felt like giving up? Maybe you had a dream from God, but you couldn't figure out how to make it happen. Maybe you have been praying for a family member to be saved for years, but you can’t see any progress. Everyone feels like giving up sometimes, but as a strong woman of God, you have to know how to go forward when you feel like quitting.

In today's podcast, we're going over three lessons from the life of King David that will help you understand what to do when you feel like quitting.
Q: Is there anything in your life that makes you feel like quitting? How have you responded so far?

David had to go through some hard things in his life. His father and brothers looked down on him when he was a boy, and then when things were looking up, King Saul kept trying to kill him. When he was king, the Israelites were involved in constant wars, and ultimately, he sinned against God by sleeping with another man’s wife and trying to cover it up.

In 2 Samuel 12, God confronts David’s sin and declares through the prophet Nathan that his illegitimate son will die. David spends days praying and fasting until finally, he receives news that his son has died. Still, in 2 Samuel 12:20, we learn that David got up, cleaned himself off, and asked for something to eat. The people around him were stunned. How could David move forward?

David knew how to apply these three principles:

  1. Keep doing what you know to do. - The enemy wants you to quit. But if you keep doing what you know to do, you will reap a harvest. Keep praying, reading the word, and obeying God. It may not feel like anything is changing in the natural, but it is having an effect in the supernatural. David knew what honored God and what the Israelites needed from him, so he returned to doing it.

  2. Keep Standing. - Continue to stand in faith. Sow the right things, and you will see a breakthrough. We are like those who continue to show up, even when it is hard or disappointing. David didn’t let his challenges change what he believed about God. He continued to stand on the promises that God had given him.

  3. Keep Focused - Meditate on the vision God has given you. David could have let his suffering cause him to be distracted and abandon his responsibility to Israel. But he knew the plan God had for His people and stayed focused on setting up a kingdom that would honor God.

Woman of God, you are not one who will back down. You believe that every dream God put in your heart is for a reason. You’re going to see all things good! You stay in faith and keep focused, you will see a harvest!

Pray this: Father God, thank you for giving me life and purpose. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. Still, sometimes I feel tired. Help me to stand strong in my faith. Bring your word to my mind when I feel week. Comfort me with your presence. Let my life be one that is pleasing to you and a testimony to your glory. I know that you have good plans for me, and I cannot wait to see what comes next! In Jesus’name, amen!

joie miller