Lifestyle Evangelism

2020 taught us that people are looking for Christians to lead them in the right direction. But what does that mean? Does it mean that God wants all of us to be evangelists? In today’s episode, we will dig into this topic more and I’ll give you 5 ways you can be a lifestyle evangelist and one bonus tip for leading your family members to Christ!

“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14

The Bible tells us that there is the office of the evangelist, which means it is their job to go out and preach the gospel and compel the lost (Ephesians 4:11-12), and then there is a lifestyle of evangelism, which is living your life in a way that exemplifies Christ so that others are won over by the gospel.

“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15

You are called to live a lifestyle of evangelism. That means that you live your life in a way that exemplifies Christ so that others can be won over by the Gospel. Don’t worry, though. You don’t need a Bible degree or to be perfect. The only requirement is to love Christ and love others.

Q: What keeps you from sharing the Gospel with others? How does your mindset change when you think about them through the eyes of God and through the reality of sin?

How to be a lifestyle evangelist:

  1. Have a burden for people. You have to stay connected to the reality that people are going to hell and care about them! Stir up your love for your neighbors, co-workers, and community members by praying for them and ask God to make you aware of opportunities to share the gospel.

  2. Be a full-time Christian and a part-time everything else. You’re not just a mom, a teacher, a beautician, or whatever your job title is. You are an ambassador of Christ!

  3. Steward what you have for the glory of God. Use everything you have to create an opportunity for evangelism.

  4. Make the most of every opportunity. Be prepared! Know what you will say if someone opens up to you about their marriage or

  5. Be generous. - When I go above and beyond to be generous, it is almost always an opportunity to share the gospel.

What about winning over your family?

The Bible says that the unbelieving spouse will be won over by their wife! If you live with someone who does not believe in God, the Lord will work through His Holy Spirit in you. Essentially, they are surrounded by God all the time! Continue praying for them, but make it your goal to live in a way that shows them the love, compassion, and generosity of Christ.

Pray this: Thank you Lord for your love for me and your love for others. I am so thankful that you saved me. Help me to always remember your great love and sacrifice for me. Make it real to me when I see other people. Show me their hurts and their brokenness. Don’t let me miss an opportunity to share your love with them. Thank you for preparing the hearts of those around me. I can’t wait to see how you move in those conversations. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller