Overcoming Discouragement

Want to know how to avoid discouragement? Unfortunately… you can’t. Even the prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven and still faced discouragement! So the question isn’t will you face discouragement. The question is, how will you respond? If you want to move forward in everything God has called you to do, you have to be strong and courageous. Staying stuck in discouragement will keep you from being who you were called to be.

Q: What makes you feel discouraged? Ask God to show you your triggers and pray through them. Ask him to heal those parts of your life and to show you who you are in Christ!

Check out the full Story of Elijah facing discouragement in 1 Kings 19. Today we’ll talk about some of the things Elijah could have done differently and how God encouraged him when he was at his lowest.

  1. Shake off negative thoughts quickly. - You have to weigh every thought against the word of God. If it doesn’t line up with what God says, choose not to receive it. Shake it off!

  2. Make sure you are taking care of your body! When you are run down spiritually or physically, you’re more susceptible to the lies of the enemy.

  3. Get your eyes off the natural. God never called you to do it in your own strength. You don’t receive the things of God in your mind, you receive them in your spirit. Who you are in Christ is who you are PERIOD.

  4. Serve Somebody else. Serving keeps your eyes on what matters most.

Q: What helps you when you are feeling discouraged? Make a game plan so that the next time you feel discouraged you can combat it quickly!

Pray this: God, thank you for being with me in every situation. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. Show me who you are even when my situation seems difficult. I know that I can trust you. When I look at my life, I see the proof of your love. When I read the Bible, I see your faithfulness. Remind me of it. Keep your Word in my heart so that I can confidently do everything that you have called me to do. I speak against discouragement in Jesus’ name, Amen!

joie miller