Let's Talk "Parenting"

Parenting for a Christian is so much more than just keeping a child alive and happy. Christian parents understand that raising toddlers, raising middle schoolers, and raising teenagers all helps your child understand who God is and fulfill their God-given destiny. This eternal mindset means that parents need to apply their values consistently but differently based on their season of life. You do not have to struggle as a parent! You can thrive in your role in every season and see your children thrive and grow into who God has called them to be.

Parenting is stewardship. You are stewarding a child with a soul and a destiny! The challenging moments of parenting serve a greater mission.

Find joy in every season.

Has anyone ever told you, “Just wait until…”? 

Just wait until they’re walking.

Just wait until they start school.

Just wait until puberty.

Just wait...

Our culture does not want us to enjoy parenting! In fact, many people are setting the expectation that it is going to be miserable! Don’t let them do that. Set your own expectation that no matter what challenges you face, you are going to thrive and enjoy every season of parenting. 

Ask yourself: What does this new season hold? How can I be the best child in the new season? What is my vision for that season? What is my expectation for that season?

Create moments that reinforce your values.

What are the values you have for your family? Maybe you want to do ministry together or create a culture of camaraderie. Whatever your vision is, keep it in front of you. Make every decision for your life with that vision in mind. Don’t just let life happen--put an effort into preserving those family values. The way you create moments that reinforce your values will change as your children get older, but the values themselves will not.

Find ways to express your authority in each season.

The way you discipline will change throughout your child’s life. No matter what, you have to balance your authority with your influence. Rules without relationship will lead to rebellion. So, prioritize your connection with your children!

Approach every day and every moment with the grace of God.

Coming home after a long day at work or even staying at home with your kids all day can be challenging. Ask God to fill you with fresh grace. Honor your children and your family by choosing to let go of every stress so that you can give them your best.

Connect them to their giftings and callings.

Ask the Lord to help you see your children’s gifts and talents so that you can develop them. Continually pray and speak life over those areas.

Every new season is one you have never gone through before! But it is so much better to know that you can rely on God to lead you and guide you through each one. In the end, you will look back on every season and say, “It was good with you, God.”

Pray this: God, thank you for my children. Thank you for choosing me to be their parent. Help me to make the most of every season. God, I am doing my best, and I’m dedicated to listening to and following your Holy Spirit. Teach me by your spirit! Help me to see problems in the spirit before they come out in my children. Show me where they are going so I can prepare them. Give me the strength to hold fast to our values, regardless of how busy life is. I am so thankful for the responsibility of being a parent, and I’m going to enjoy every season by your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller