Keeping it Spicy

What do you do to keep your marriage interesting? When you’ve been married for a few years, its easy to get stuck in a rut because of the demands of your careers, family, and other projects. But that doesn’t mean that it should be that way! This week my husband, Pastor Nathan Miller, and I are talking about how to invest in your marriage and keep it spicy! Spice is just added flavor, and all it takes to add a little extra flavor to your marriage is a little extra investment.

3 ways you can invest in your love life

1. Make Memories 


Spending time together does not have to be expensive! Just take time to do something out of the ordinary and bring a different flavor to your relationship. You can try just going for a walk, getting coffee from a different coffee place, or planning a weekend getaway. Investing in making memories with your spouse helps reignite the feelings of friendship and fun that you had when you were dating.

2. Be Present

Put your phone down, stop checking your work email, and just be together!

3. Invest into your spiritual connections

Take time to pray and read the Bible together. Even just a few minutes will make a big difference! Remember, your marriage is between you, your partner, and the Lord. As you get closer to the Lord, you will become closer to each other.

4. Talk about sex

In the context of marriage, talking about sex is healthy! It’s a way for you to identify areas of misunderstanding so that you can enjoy being today!

Q: Ask your spouse which of these areas they want to work on over the next month. Set a goal to invest in that area at least once a week or set up a new habit, like putting your phones away for an hour during dinner. 

“A better us creates a better marriage.” Pastor Nathan Miller

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me a spouse to love. Help us to always have a relationship filled with love and intimacy. Show me creative ways to keep things spicy and not get so caught up in my daily routine that I forget to enjoy his presence. Thank you for leading us and helping me to be the best wife that I can be. In Jesus’ name,  Amen!

joie miller