
I can tell a lot about who you are just by looking at your circle of friends. Jim Rohn once said you are the average of your five closest friends. That means that your friends reveal your character, your vision for your life, your work ethic, and your attitude. But they also reveal what you think about yourself. Having good friends supports AND protects God’s will for your life! Today I’m talking about three qualities of good friends and why you need to guard who you let into your life.

Three Qualities of Good Friends

  1. Your friends should inspire you.

    Great friends will hold you accountable to your dreams. They will never belittle what God has put into your heart!

  2. Your friends should encourage you.

    If you leave your discussions feeling discouraged, its a good sign that your friend is not helping you to become who God has called you to be.

  3. Your friends should be trustworthy.

    If you talk about other people with your friend, it is very possible that when they leave, they are talking about you too! Untrustworthy friends will share what you tell them in confidence, which can hurt your reputation and your relationship with other people.

Q: If you had the same qualities of your five closest friends, what would you look like? Is there a quality that you want that you don’t see? Look at it the other way around. Is there a quality in your five closest friends that you don’t like? Ask Holy Spirit to show you where it is coming from so that you can destroy it from the root in your own life!

Pray this: Father God, thank you for sending me people who will inspire and encourage me. Thank you for showing me who I can trust with my heart and my desires. Show me any changes I need to make to the people I spend time with. I want my friendships to reflect your heart and your will. As I pray for good friends, help me to also be a good friend. Speak to me through your Holy Spirit any time I am tempted to act jealously gossip, or tear down. Let everything that I do be done in love, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

joie miller