Help! My Relationship is Sinking! | The Joie Miller Podcast


My husband and I have been married for 21 years, and we have experienced our share of challenges! Through it all, we have learned that turning your relationship around does not have to be complicated. God designed marriage to be a blessing to you and your spouse, not a frustration. In this week’s podcast, I am joined by my husband, Pastor Nathan Miller. Together, we’re talking about three things you can do to see your marriage turn around this month!

  1. Be All In - Your marriage won’t grow if you are not giving your all!

  2. Highlight the Good - God made you and your spouse for each other. Focus on the strengths that you each have and the way you compliment and help each other grow.

  3. Stay in Gratitude! - When there is a healthy level of gratitude and thanks, it makes it very hard for the enemy to find a way into your marriage.

“When you highly esteem something, you highly protect it.”

If you’re still a single, these are great principles to use in your relationships that you currently have! As you date, look at how your partner operates in these areas. Are they grateful? Do they focus on the good? Are they led by God? Do they value the house of God? What is their character like? What is their vision for their life? As you evaluate the answers to these questions, you will be able to determine whether this person is a good match for you.

Activity: If you want a good relationship, you have to see your spouse as a person who was perfectly created for you by God and treat them like it! Get out a piece of paper or the notes app on your phone and write down 10 things you love about your spouse. Ask God to help you to remember those things and to honor your spouse with your words this week.

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me a spouse. Thank you for giving them unique gifts and talents. Help me to be all in all of the time. Help me to speak into their strengths instead of magnifying their weaknesses. I know that the best is yet to come for my marriage, and I thank you for leading me and guiding us together. I love you and trust you, Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller