A Simple Tool To Help Your Relationships

Do you ever feel like you struggle with conflicting your relationships? Whether it's disagreeing with a coworker on how to execute a project or confronting your spouse about keeping their dirty clothes in the basket, everyone is going to deal with conflict. The good news is that the more self-aware you are, the more you understand that other people have different perspectives and motivations, and the easier it is to discover how to come to a peaceful resolution. In this episode of The Joie Miller podcast, I'm continuing my conversation with Karissa Harrison on the Enneagram and how you can use it to discover your motivations, bring them to the Lord, and approach other people with love and understanding.

When does self-development end?

Getting to know yourself and managing your responses is lifelong work. It’s not something you learn and then you’re fine. You constantly have to be aware of what your motivations are and evaluate your actions. Personality tools aren’t an excuse to say, “This is who I am, deal with it.” Instead, they help you start a conversation with God and allow Him to help you be authentically who he created you to be. We can’t invite god to change things about us that we can’t see in us.

Is personality learned or a part of how God created us?
Personality is wired into us by our creator but magnified by our family and our situations. 

Enneagram and Relationships

Regardless of where you are leading, the ability to have self awareness and social awareness and to manage our responses accordingly is the greatest indicator of success. Enneagram provides a map to understand how your spouse or coworker is responding and to understand them as you both grow.

Pray this: God, thank you for creating me uniquely and with a purpose. Help me to discover who you made me to be and to strip away every mask I have put on. I know that who you made me is enough and that I am the strongest when I am fully trusting in you. When I am acting out of alignment with who I am in you, help me to quickly identify it and ask for forgiveness. I trust you and I love you, in Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller