Holding It All Together

Do you ever struggle to hold your life together? With the ever-changing demands of work, motherhood, marriage, and other relationships, it can be hard to find a balance. The good news is that God doesn’t want you to be stressed! He gives us grace for every day and every season.

Balance looks different in every season! Balance doesn’t mean everything is perfect, but it does mean that every area is moving in a positive direction. Don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, focus on filling yourself up and receiving the grace that God wants to give you.

Everything we are and everything we do flows out of our relationship with the Lord.

How can you stay balanced?

  1. Learn how to lead yourself.

    If you can’t lead yourself, you’re not going to lead anyone else. I take time every day to be with the lord.

    Spirit-led women know how to keep their emotions in check. The most important thing I do to lead myself is spend time with the Lord. This helps me accept His grace for the day so that I can do what I need to do. Remember, you’re in control of your schedule and your relationships. Decide that you are going to give yourself permission to succeed today.

  2. Create Systems and Standards.

    Systems add time and order to your schedule and alleviate stress. You should have systems for your home, job, and family so that you can create the culture and results you want.

  3. Be Objective and Subjective With Your Life.

    Being objective means looking at your life without emotion. This allows you to see how you are doing and determine what you need to change.

    Be subjective means thinking about what you feel like is going on in your life? While nothing might look wrong on the surface, sometimes things feel “off.” Explore those feelings and see if you need to adjust your priorities.

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me grace for every season. Sometimes it can be hard to be honest about where my life is, but you always lead me so well. Help me to be open to your direction. I want to please you with my life, Lord. Help me to create systems that support what you’ve called me to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

joie miller