The Pitfalls of Comparison

Will you make a commitment with me? In 2021, I am not going to compare myself to others.

Romans 12:6 “So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.” (MSG)

God has made us to function together as one body, and that means that each one of us serves a unique purpose. Without you doing what you are called to do, the body won’t function! God is only going to hold you accountable for what he has called you to do. So this year, it’s time to run your race without any distractions. In this episode of the Mrs. Rev Podcast, we talk about 3 things that will happen if you compare yourself to other people.

  1. Comparison will cripple you.

  2. Comparison is a distraction.

  3. Comparison will rob you of joy.

Q: What situations cause you to start comparing yourself to others? Do think you need to change or mindset, your environment, or both? What would your life look like if you stopped comparing yourself to others?

Pray this: God, thank you for making me unique. Forgive me for any time I have rejected the person you made me to be. Forgive me for any time I have wished that you made me differently. I know that you don’t make mistakes. Help me to recognize when I am letting comparison stop me from pursuing your purpose for my life. Teach me to celebrate others without feeling bad about myself. I know that as I step out this year, you will bring the increase! I love you Lord. Amen!

joie miller