Fix Your Mind

Your thoughts were never meant to control you; you were meant to control your thoughts! Most of the thoughts you think are the same thoughts you had yesterday. Luckily, being a Christian means that you are a new creation! God has given you the authority to take control of your thoughts and to fix your mind on what is true. Today, I'll show you what the Bible says about guarding your mind and how you can start reprogramming your mind so that it works for you, not against you.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

Your thoughts don’t just stay in your mind. They affect your attitude, actions, and beliefs. The more you think a thought, the more influence it has over your life. 

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Your spirit is made brand new when you receive Christ. Your soul, however, is not. You have to reprogram your mind to capture every thought that doesn’t line up with the Word of God and with our identity in Christ. The best news is that the enemy has no authority over you! You may not be able to control every thought that comes into your mind, but God has given you the authority to determine what thoughts stay in your mind.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

Earthly thoughts are thoughts like, “I’m not good enough.” “Bad things always happen to me.” “Nobody likes me.”

The fact is, that most of those thoughts are not true! Don’t back down or compromise on your thought life. God wants you to thrive and move forward in faith, and He wants you to do it from a place of peace and joy!

As yourself, what are the things I’m thinking about on a daily basis? Do they line up with the Word of God? If not, it’s time to take those thoughts captive! When you meditate on thoughts that do not line up with the word of God, you will begin to make them a part of your identity. Let’s choose today to reprogram our minds!

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me a new spirit and a new identity in you. Make me very aware of every thought that does not line up with your word. Show me who I am through your Word so that I am quickly aware of the enemy’s lies. Help me to stay alert and to guard my mind. I want to be exactly who you called me to be and do exactly what you called me to do. Thank you for giving me the authority to take every thought captive! In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller