Compelled by Love

This week, I’m sharing some more of my personal testimony to illustrate the impact you can have on other people’s lives. When I was a teenager, I was so broken. When I talked to my dad about it, his answer was to start going to the catholic church to pray and take communion every morning. This became our morning routine, but it wasn’t until I started dating a boy from the local Assembly of God church that I saw how my relationship with God was more than just a religious duty. The people at that church saw me like Jesus saw me and helped me find a relationship with God. Obviously, their actions have changed my life.

You see, God values people. He values you. And because he loves us, he calls us to love people and see them the way He sees them. Here are three ways that Jesus sees people and some suggestions for how to practice seeing people like Jesus in your own life.

  1. Jesus sees past the crowd to the individual.

    It’s easy to assume that everyone around us has an understanding of who Jesus is. But just because we live in America doesn’t mean that everyone understands God’s love. People understand religion, but they don’t know relationship. We need to see beyond the crowd and call people out into the life-saving invitation to accept Jesus into their life. You can start by just taking the time to say hi to your neighbors or talk to the other parents at soccer practice. All of them are people who Jesus loves!

  2. Jesus saw past the brokenness to the heart.

    Many people have been broken by things like abuse, divorce, insecurity, loss, and so much more. Christ’s love compels us to see beyond people’s exterior and see their heart. When you look at the heart, you will see people in need of a savior. Ask God to show you what is unseen in other people’s lives and give you the words to show them how He can help.

  3. Jesus sees people as an opportunity, not an inconvenience.

    If you struggle to love people, you need to get around God more! When you are in his presence, you love what he loves and what breaks his heart will break yours. It’s rarely convenient to step out and do the things God has called you to do. But everything you do for God is an opportunity to change someone’s life and to change their eternity! Keep this at the front of your mind this week.

Pray this: God, I want to love people like you. I love you so much, but I want to go deeper. Show me what you see in people. Help me not to see with my own eyes but with yours. Don’t let me waste any opportunity to show your love to others. Thank you for using me and for making me more mature in you. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller