No More Fear

Everyone experiences fear, but that does not mean that fear needs to be a normal part of your life! This week, I want to show you the tricks that the devil uses to keep you in a place of fear and show you how God has given you the ability to resist fear.

One of my favorite examples of people overcoming fear in the Bible is the story of David and Goliath. The people of God were so intimidated by the enemy because they listened to his taunts day after day. When David heard what the giant was saying, he didn’t shrink back in fear. He kept his thoughts focused on who God was. 

Fear works through:

  1. Lies.

  2. Intimidation.

  3. Manipulation

How can I overcome fear?

God commands us “do not be afraid.” God never gives us a command that we cannot obey. We can obey God’s command by protecting our hearts and our minds. You have to control your thoughts. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about what is true, good, lovely, of good report, and excellent. When you know God and you know what the Word of God says, you will be able to identify the enemy’s lies, and when you know that everything the enemy speaks is a lie, he won’t be able to intimidate or manipulate you.

Pray this: God, thank you for giving me your word to show me the Truth. Help me to keep your words in my heart day and night. Help me to keep my thoughts fixed on you. God, I’m sorry for any time I have made an idol out of the things I love and allowed fear to step in. Forgive me and help me to always keep you first in my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller